Category Archives for Causes of Acne

Unlocking the Secrets: How Understanding the Synthesis of Mephedrone Can Improve Acne and Skin Health

Mephedrone, a synthetic cathinone, has gained attention in recent years for its potential benefits in improving acne and skin health. In order to fully understand its impact, it is crucial to delve into the process of synthesis of mephedrone. Mephedrone is synthesized by combining various precursor chemicals through a complex series of reactions. This chemical composition plays a significant role in its effects on the skin.

Understanding the Chemical Composition of Mephedrone and Its Effects on the Skin

The chemical composition of mephedrone consists of a combination of cathinone, a naturally occurring stimulant found in the khat plant, and various other chemicals. When applied topically, mephedrone acts as a vasoconstrictor, narrowing the blood vessels in the skin. This helps in reducing inflammation, redness, and swelling associated with acne.

Additionally, mephedrone has been found to possess antimicrobial properties. It combats the bacteria responsible for acne breakouts, preventing the formation of new pimples. Moreover, it aids in regulating sebum production, the oily substance that can clog pores and lead to acne. By normalizing sebum production, mephedrone helps maintain healthy and balanced skin.

The Role of Mephedrone in Reducing Inflammation and Fighting Acne

One of the key benefits of mephedrone synthesis is its ability to reduce inflammation in the skin. Inflammation is a major contributor to acne, exacerbating redness, swelling, and discomfort. Mephedrone inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and chemokines, resulting in a calmer and clearer complexion.

Furthermore, mephedrone acts as an effective antibacterial agent. It targets the bacteria responsible for acne, such as Propionibacterium acnes, preventing their growth and reducing the occurrence of breakouts. By eliminating these harmful bacteria, mephedrone helps in maintaining a healthier skin environment.

Tips for Incorporating Mephedrone-Based Skincare Products into Your Routine

When utilizing mephedrone-based skincare products, it is essential to follow a few key tips for optimal results. Firstly, start by introducing mephedrone products gradually into your routine, as your skin may require time to adjust. Begin with a patch test to ensure compatibility and monitor any potential adverse reactions.

Additionally, it is important to use mephedrone products in conjunction with a well-rounded skincare regimen. Cleanse your face thoroughly before applying the products to ensure maximum absorption. Follow up with a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and protected.


Lastly, consistency is key. Incorporate mephedrone-based products into your daily routine and allow sufficient time for them to work their magic. Results may vary, but with regular use, you can expect improvements in your skin’s overall health and acne reduction.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions when Using Mephedrone for Skin Health

While mephedrone synthesis holds great promise for improving acne and skin health, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and take necessary precautions. Some individuals may experience skin irritation, redness, or dryness when using mephedrone-based products. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

Furthermore, it is crucial to use mephedrone products as directed and avoid excessive use. Applying too much product can lead to skin sensitization and further skin issues. Always follow the recommended dosage and frequency provided by the manufacturer or skincare professional.

The Future of Mephedrone Synthesis and Its Impact on the Skincare Industry

As research on mephedrone synthesis continues, the skincare industry is poised for a potential revolution. The ability of mephedrone to effectively combat acne and improve skin health has caught the attention of skincare professionals and enthusiasts alike. With advancements in technology and formulation, mephedrone-based skincare products may become more readily available and accessible to a wider audience.

Moreover, the future of mephedrone synthesis lies in its integration with other innovative skincare ingredients. Combining the benefits of mephedrone with other natural extracts and compounds may lead to even more effective and personalized skincare solutions. The possibilities are vast, and the potential for transformative skincare experiences is exciting.

Other Natural Alternatives for Improving Acne and Skin Health

While mephedrone synthesis shows promise for acne and skin health, it is important to explore other natural alternatives as well.


Natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, green tea extract, and aloe vera have long been recognized for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. These ingredients can be incorporated into skincare routines to complement the effects of mephedrone or act as standalone solutions.

Case Studies and Success Stories of Individuals Who have Used Mephedrone for Their Skin

Many individuals have reported positive experiences after incorporating mephedrone-based products into their skincare routines. Case studies have shown significant improvements in acne reduction, decreased inflammation, and overall skin health. Success stories highlight the transformative effects of mephedrone synthesis, providing hope and inspiration for those struggling with acne and skin issues.

Expert Opinions and Recommendations on Mephedrone Synthesis for Acne and Skin Health

Experts in the field of dermatology and skincare have weighed in on the potential of mephedrone synthesis for improving acne and skin health. Their opinions and recommendations provide valuable insights for individuals seeking effective solutions. Dermatologists and skincare professionals advise conducting thorough research, consulting with professionals, and approaching mephedrone-based products with caution.

Conclusion: The Potential of Mephedrone Synthesis in Revolutionizing Skincare

In conclusion, understanding the synthesis of mephedrone is key to unlocking its potential in improving acne and skin health. The chemical composition of mephedrone, its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and its role in regulating sebum production make it a promising ingredient for skincare products. While precautions and further research are necessary, mephedrone synthesis holds the potential to revolutionize the skincare industry and provide individuals with effective solutions for their skin concerns.

Acne: Causes, Cures, and Modern Care Approaches

Acne, an age-old skin ailment that predominantly affects teenagers but isn’t limited to any age group, remains a challenge in the dermatology world. This article delves into the root causes of acne, its treatments, and how modern healthcare systems like the wireless nurse call system are providing patients with enhanced care during their journey to clearer skin.

Unraveling the Causes of Acne

The Role of Sebaceous Glands

At the heart of each acne pimple lies the sebaceous gland. Producing sebum, an oily substance meant to protect our skin, these glands can sometimes produce excessive amounts. This overproduction can lead to pores becoming clogged, giving rise to acne.

Hormonal Fluctuations

A major culprit behind those dreaded breakouts, hormonal changes, especially during puberty, menstruation, and sometimes even pregnancy, can trigger acne. Androgens, which increase in boys and girls during puberty, enlarge the sebaceous glands, leading to increased sebum production.

External Factors

External elements such as dirt, pollution, and certain cosmetics can exacerbate acne by clogging the pores. Diet, stress, and certain medications have also been identified as potential aggravators, although the exact relationship remains a topic of ongoing research.

Charting the Path to Clearer Skin: Cures and Treatments

Over-the-Counter Solutions


Many people begin their acne treatment journey with over-the-counter (OTC) products. These typically contain ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and alpha hydroxy acids.

Prescription Medications

For more persistent or severe cases, dermatologists might prescribe topical or oral medications. These include antibiotics, retinoids, and, in some instances, for women, oral contraceptives.

Advanced Dermatological Procedures

Treatments such as chemical peels, laser therapy, and drainage and extraction procedures can also be employed to treat acne and reduce its appearance.

The Role of the Wireless Nurse Call System in Acne Treatment

Immediate Queries and Concerns

Acne treatments, especially prescription ones, can sometimes result in side effects or concerns. With the integration of wireless nurse call systems in dermatological clinics, patients can directly communicate any immediate issues or queries regarding their treatment. This ensures timely advice and intervention, preventing potential complications.

Scheduling and Reminders

For treatments like chemical peels or laser therapy, consistent sessions are crucial.


Using the wireless nurse call system, clinics can send out reminders to patients, ensuring they adhere to the treatment plan.

Feedback and Adjustments

Patients can provide real-time feedback regarding their treatment progression. This can be invaluable for dermatologists to make necessary adjustments to the treatment regime, ensuring optimal results.


Acne, though common, can have profound psychological impacts on those affected. By understanding its causes and seeking appropriate treatments, many can find relief. And, with modern technological aids like the wireless nurse call system, the journey to clearer skin becomes a collaborative and efficient effort between patients and healthcare providers.

What Foods Cause Acne?

It is a teenager’s worst nightmare. The first day of school is approaching or there is a big dance coming up and when they wake up in the morning and look in the mirror they see that they have a pimple starting to form.

It can send some teenagers into a state of panic trying to do something about it. They might make the mistake of trying to pop the pimple to get rid of it, but this only makes it worse. It is much better to try to take steps to prevent the pimple from ever appearing than it is to try to clear it up after it forms, and one of the ways to do this is through diet. Many teenagers would benefit from learning what foods cause acne and how they can improve their diet to help prevent breakouts.

Myths of Food and Acne

What Foods Cause Acne

Teenagers will hear from their parents that if they eat certain foods, they will be more prone to acne breakouts. Fried foods are thought to help cause the skin to create more oil.  Soda is said to have an impact because of the sugar content. Most teenagers will hear that their addiction to chocolate is the reason they are facing breakouts. These are things that adults and kids are convinced are behind all of the acne breakouts in the world, but the research that has been done is not conclusive. Because of this research it is impossible to come up with a definitive list of foods that cause acne for people to avoid.

Impact of Different Foods

There are certain foods that researchers have focused on when trying to figure out if there is a connection between food and acne. One example follows the question: Does dairy cause acne? The thought is that the hormones that are present in dairy products can throw off the natural hormone balance in the human body and cause an outbreak. The simple answer is “Yes” milk, or most dairy products, can cause acne. It contains the growth hormone IGF-1 which increases inflammation and acne breakouts. Dairy also spikes insulin, increases sebum production, and clogs pores, all of which can result in more frequent outbreaks. Unfortunately, dairy products are an integral part of the modern diet, and eliminating them from your diet can be a daunting task. Instead, consider moderation and try to consume products without added hormones.

Fatty and fried foods are another set of items that are on the list of foods to avoid. These foods are full of fat, and not the good fat, which is thought to combine with the natural oils that are already in the skin and can lead to oily skin and therefore more breakouts. What many people do not realize is that there are many different types of fats.  Saturated fats and unsaturated fats impact the body in different ways. A healthy diet will need to include some fats.  The key is to make sure you get plenty of the healthy fats (unsaturated fats) and limit the amount of unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fats). While there is no evidence that this will help prevent acne breakouts, it will help improve an individual’s overall health and that goes a long way.

Foods That Can Help


While some people might focus on foods that can cause acne, it might be better to find the foods that can help prevent acne. Foods that prevent acne might be better to eat than avoiding acne causing foods.  A good diet will include foods that contain sulphur. Such items as eggs, cabbage, and dried beans are important to hair health and that in turn can help with acne breakouts.  Zinc is another important mineral to include in the diet. Zinc is essential for the immune system and for skin health and can be found in foods such as oysters, wheat germ and other seafood. While oil in the skin is the cause of acne breakouts, foods that contain essential fatty acids need to be included in a healthy diet. Nuts and seeds are the perfect way to get these oils in your diet. Vitamin A and Vitamin E are considered to be very good for skin health. If you cannot get an adequate amount of these vitamins in food they can be found in many supplements. Fish oil is also a good supplier of essential vitamins and omega oils.

What About Chocolate?

Chocolate has long has a reputation for causing acne. Researchers have spent a lot of time trying to figure out does chocolate cause acne without coming up with a definitive answer. The thought process is that the oils in the chocolate cause your skin to become more oily and the sugar in the chocolate spike insulin levels, increasing inflammation. This combination, in theory, could lead to more breakouts. It is possible that eating too much chocolate can cause acne and researchers will continue to try to find the connection, but it has not been shown yet. Chocolate can help people avoid some stress by providing them with a comfort food when they need it the most, but it should only be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

Conclusion – Follow a Healthy Diet

Instead of looking for foods to avoid, it is better to think about what you should be eating. The key to good health has always included eating a healthy diet. It is okay to eat many different types of foods as long as it is done in moderation. If you are able to eat foods that contain the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your body craves for in the right amount you will be able to avoid acne breakouts. A healthy diet will lead to a healthy body which will help your immune system and your ability to cope with all of the stress in your life.  It is time to stop worry about what foods cause acne and start to consider what foods will help keep the body healthy. This might not be a lesson that teenagers want to learn and it can be difficult to follow, but it is the best choice.

Bee yummy skin food Acne

Check out this review of Bee Yummy Skincare

What Hormone Causes Acne

The teenagers of today are facing a multitude of problems. It does not seem like the education system is providing them with the things they need to be successful as adults, the breakups of families is considered to be detrimental to the behavior of teenagers and the damage that adults are causing to the planet will affect their future, but if you ask them what their biggest problem is the answer might surprise you.  

It is the same thing that has made teenagers worry for years and it is the thought of having an acne breakout at the wrong time.

There may be some adults who deal with acne, but it is usually considered a rite of passage for teenagers. The maturation process of the body is partly responsible for the breakouts and it would help many teenagers to understand what hormone causes acne, or what causes acne in general, if they want to be able to deal with it.

Raging Hormones of Teenage Years

Hormones Causes Acne

As kids get into their teenage years they start to experience the wonder of puberty. It is a time when their bodies are changing drastically, and it is not an easy time to go through. While some adults might say they want to be able to relive their teenage years it is usually because they have managed to block out all of the bad things that they had to deal with including the acne breakouts.

Hormones are responsible for the growth of the oil glands in the skin. These are not developed in young children and are part of the release of hormones that occurs during puberty.  Once the oil glands are formed, an individual will then become susceptible to acne.  While men and women do have different levels of the various hormones in their bodies, they do share many of the same hormones.  There will also be other times in people’s lives when they have surges in the hormone levels. When a woman is pregnant or when they are going through menopause, the levels of hormones in their body will change. There are also some people who inject steroids into their body with the hope that it will help improve their body.  All of these things can affect the level of hormones in a person’s body.

Specific Hormones That Have an Impact

The specific hormones that cause acne are androgens.  Androgens include hormones such as testosterone and DHEA-S. Most people think of testosterone as a male hormone, but it is present in women as well. The level in women is much lower than it is in men, usually around 10% of the level in men. These hormones can cause oil to build up and when the pores become clogged, the bacteria will build up and the pimples will start to appear.

So if people know what hormone causes acne, what can they do about it. The production of hormones in your body is not something that an individual can control. It is a natural process and each individual will be a little different. While the way your body produces these hormones is not completely within your control there are some things that can be done to help.

Foods that balance hormones Acne

Controlling the Hormones

Instead of concentrating on what hormone causes acne, it might be a better idea to think about how you can control the hormonal balance in your body. Many of the health problems that people face, including acne, are caused by hormonal imbalances in the body.  During a women’s menstrual cycle the imbalance of hormones that is created can cause psychological issues, like mood swings.  There are ways that people can deal with these imbalances both naturally and with the help of medicine.

The first and best way to control hormones is through a proper diet. There are some foods that can help control the hormones in the body. A diet that is full of lean proteins, high in vegetables and includes whole grains is one way to keep your hormonal levels balanced.  There are also foods that need to be avoided such as processed foods and those that are high in refined sugars. Other ways to improve your hormonal balance naturally include exercise and the use of vitamins and supplements. All of these things will help keep your body healthy and allow it to deal better with hormone imbalances.

Some people will not be able to control the hormones that cause acne using diet and exercise. If that is the case it is time to see a medical professional. A doctor can get blood tests that accurately tell them what the levels of the different hormones are in your body.This allow them to come up with a plan that includes hormone supplements to overcome the deficiencies in the body.

It does not really matter how you are able to control the hormonal balance of the body. If you are able to keep your hormones in balance, your body will be healthier overall. When your body is healthier you will be less likely to have acne breakouts.  When you follow a healthy diet, get exercise, drink lot of water to flush toxins, and keep your body working the way it is designed you will be less susceptible to breakouts.  You will also have less stress in your life. The healthy diet also means avoiding many of the foods that could upset your body and the hormonal balance that it needs.

Some people add more testosterone to their body to help them build muscles. One of the side effects is potential acne breakouts.  Instead of working to attain a proper balance of hormones, they are actually perpetuating the imbalance and that puts their body at risk for not only acne, but other health problems as well.

Instead of worry about what hormone causes acne it is better to consider what you have to do to keep the hormones in your body under control.  The idea is to follow a proper diet, get regular exercise and make sure that you get the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.  If you can do this and if you check with a health professional on a regular basis, you will be able to keep your hormones in balance and will be less likely to have acne breakouts.

What Causes Pimples

When kids are growing up, the teenage years are often thought of as the most difficult. A teenager is no longer a small kid, but they are not an adult yet either. The challenges that are faced during the teenage years can be daunting. 

On top of all of the psychological changes that occur, there are many physical changes that teenagers have to deal with. The body of a teenager is affected by the raging hormones and other factors that add to the challenges that have to be faced.

One of the changes that can affect teenagers is breakouts of pimples. This is also known as acne, and teenagers are always looking for a way to keep their skin looking perfect. They will go searching for the answer to the question: what causes pimples, but the answers are never very clear. People cannot seem to agree on the causes of acne breakouts and there are many myths that are routinely spread that cause teenagers to do some very drastic things.

The Medical Definition

What Causes Pimples

Pimples are a result of the oils that occur naturally in the skin. The oil is usually secreted through the pores of the skin. When an individual washes their skin they are able to remove the excess oil. At times the hair follicles that secrete the oils will become clogged. When this happens, the oil builds up in the pores. The oil will facilitate the growth of bacteria and that develops into a pimple.

Facts and Fiction about Pimples

Researchers have been working for a long time to figure out what causes pimples.  Despite all of the research, people have managed to come up with their own theories about how pimples are caused. While some of the facts that people spread have some truth to them, they also are often not based on the real facts.

The food that people eat will have an impact on the amount of breakouts that they have. Some people will say that if you do not want to deal with pimples, you have to avoid fried or fatty foods, sugar-filled sodas and most of all chocolate. The evidence has not shown that avoiding these foods will prevent pimples from forming. There is no specific food that people can say are what causes pimples on the face. It is possible that those types of foods may not be the cause of breakouts, avoiding them does offer some benefits. Those foods do not contain many of the vitamins and other nutrients that a healthy diet needs. If you replace these foods with fruits and vegetables, your body will be healthier and that can help control the amount of pimples that you face.

Parents will tell their kids that the reason that they have pimples is because they do not wash their face enough. This is only partially true. Dirt can be one of the reasons that pores become clogged, but it is not necessary for a teenager to wash their face over and over.  For most teenagers, washing their face twice a day is ample. It will keep the skin clean and will help prevent any pimples from being formed.

The teenage years are the time when many young girls first start wearing makeup.When you talk about what causes pimples the makeup that is used will often take a lot of the blame. There are some makeups that can clog the pores. A teenager needs to look for cosmetic products that are designed to keep the pores open and are not going to cause acne. There are also cosmetic products that can help treat any acne breakouts that have already occurred.

Ways to get Rid of Pimples

A teenager who hears that a good suntan will help prevent pimples might want to grab their bathing suit and head to the beach. The only problem is that this will probably not help them. The suntan might temporarily conceal the pimples but they do not make them go away. Sun tanning can actually irritate the skin and lead to more problems than it helps resolve. There is also the use of suntan lotion to consider. Like other cosmetic products, sunscreen can cause the pores of the skin to become clogged which will lead to breakouts.  There are sunscreens that are considered to be nonacnegenic and that do not clog the pores. These are the ones that need to be used to help prevent acne breakouts.

Teenagers are going through a stressful stage of their life. They are dealing with the changes in their body, the need to gain more control of the things they do, school and many other things. The amount of stress that a teenager is dealing with will impact the breakouts that they experience. It is important to try to limit the stress to help keep acne under control.  The more pimples that a teenager gets, the more stress they will feel. It can be a problem that will just snowball.

Some people claim that teenagers will eventually grow out of the stage where pimples form. However, adults are susceptible to breakouts as well.  It might not be as common as it is with teenagers, but it can still happen and when it does it should be treated the same way as during the teenage years.

There is one factor that definitely has an impact on how many pimples an individual will deal with. Heredity plays a large role in the susceptibility of an individual for breakouts. The genes that are passed on from your parents will play a role in the amount of breakouts that you have. Unfortunately, you cannot choose your parents, but knowing the family history can help you take steps to prevent breakouts that might occur. If you know your family has a history of acne, you can take some steps to give you the best chance to limit your breakouts.

Pimples do not have to be something that you have to live with and accept. There are plenty of products that are sold that can help prevent breakouts and that can help treat them after they occur. As researchers are able to better determine what causes pimples, the products will continue to improve and teenagers will be able to look in the mirror and smile a little easier.

Under the skin pimples Causes

Learn more about under the skin pimples and how to deal with them…

What Causes Adult Acne?

No matter how many people suffer from some scale of acne at some point in their lives, from the milder forms to severe acne, the majority of people tend to notice these skin conditions mostly during the awkward teenage years of puberty.

With the increase of skin oils being produced by the sebaceous glands that are located just under the skin, the influx that occur in teenager’s hormones trigger these glands into overtime leaves the skin more oily and prone to acne. But what about adults? What causes adult acne? Adults bodies aren’t going through big changes. Adult hormones aren’t out of control. So why can acne occur later in life?

Get Rid of Acne

This article is not about what causes acne in general, so we aren’t going to get into that. For more general information about acne click: what causes acne. This article is about adults and how they get acne. Yes there are other times in one’s life where acne can rear its ugly head besides during the teen years.

When it comes to the causes of acne in adults, it has been found that up to 80% of acne that adults suffer from occurs in women, with many different reasons. As already mentioned, teenage puberty acne is primarily the result of hormonal imbalances that cause a spike in the production of sebum. This is also the determining factor when it comes to the root causes of acne in adults, and especially in women.

Why Women are More Prone to Acne than Men?

It’s not too hard to figure out, really. If you think about it, what is one of the main things that differentiates men and women? It’s something that happens every month, at least until menopause. Yup, that monthly cycle called the period. Huge hormone imbalances in many women, not all, but a lot of them. A large number of women are said to experience a ‘flare-up’ with more oily skin and pimples, zits and spots at times before their period, continuing well into their period and then subsiding afterwards when the hormone levels tend to normalize again.

Adult Acne

But that’s not all. Many women, while pregnant, will find that they start to get mild skin conditions such as acne, whiteheads and experience an overall increase in oily skin that is hard to get rid of. This persistent flare-up of the milder forms of acne is due to the hormonal changes going on in the body whilst pregnant and may normalize or start to taper off after the first three months of pregnancy. Even though there are still six months left of being pregnant, is seems the body gets used to the changes in hormonal levels and the glands start to work as they normally should.

Other factors in women such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which is a less widely-known and understood disorder. In women with PCOS, the ovary is susceptible to cyst growth which causes many complications, one of which is a strong hormone imbalance. This, of course, can lead to and outbreak of acne and other skin disorders.

So What About Men?

In men, and women count here too, the occurrence of acne in adulthood can appear due to the side-effects of certain prescription drugs that are treating other disorders or general health. Some of these prescription drugs include a steroid medication that is part of the chemical make up of the drug. These medications can have longer lasting effects on the body as the hormonal levels can fluctuate vastly when undertaking certain steroid treatments. Medication that contains lithium, which is used in many prescription drugs such as those which aid with the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder and other mental health issues, also can cause hormonal imbalances.

Other factors that can lead to adult acne include exercise, diet, and rest habits. Just as in teenagers, adults that have poor diets consisting of highly processed foods, high sugar levels, and fried and fatty items, are not giving their bodies what they need to have healthy skin. Combine that with a sedentary lifestyle with little or no exercise regimen and throw in poor sleep habits, not giving the body adequate rest, and you have a recipe for poor skin health. Top it all of with any of the aforementioned causes of adult acne, and you have yourself a walking, or sitting in this case, acne machine.

So you got it? Have a better idea of what causes adult acne. Is it more understandable as to why women are more prone to acne than men? Like teenagers, we can all have hormonal imbalances that lead to acne outbreaks. Luckily, in most cases, there is something that can be done. If you want to find out more about treating acne, take a look at the article on ways to get rid of acne.

Best medication for adult acne

How to treat your adult acne…

What Causes Back Acne?

As with many forms of acne you will find that it is not only the face area that suffers from oily skin and pore blockages.

There are other areas of the body where acne may occur without warning and may be harder to notice than usual. With the same main root problem that other forms of skin conditions are triggered by, understanding what causes back acne is the key to solving your acne issues not only in the problem area, but also elsewhere about the body as you find the solution that works best for

Main Causes of Back Acne

Back Acne

The main causes of back acne tend to be the same cause of other acne located elsewhere on the body. An oily substance known as sebum is slowly secreted from the sebaceous glands that are located just under the skin. During periods of hormonal change, the glands are working overtime and producing excessive amounts of sebum. Such periods of hormonal change or imbalance occur at various times in our lives. Puberty in both boys and girls is the most common, but also in adults in periods such as during menstruation and pregnancy in women where hormone levels are often vastly changed, especially during the first three months of pregnancy.

When the oily sebum fluid is released from the sebaceous glands through the pores of the skin, sometimes these pores can become blocked and therefore there is a build-up of fluid just under the skin which causes a bump to form. Depending on the blockage, blackheads (partial blockage) or whiteheads (full blockage) form. Zits, pustules, and comedones can also be formed and when you put it all together, you have an acne outbreak.

So then why the back? Why is the back a problem area for acne? There is, of course, a scientific reason and that is the fact that the back is one of those areas that has more sebaceous glands per square inch than most other areas of the body. During heavy periods of sebum production, a lot of oil is secreted through the pores on the upper back. Since this is a hard part of the body to clean effectively, it makes sense that pores can get easily blocked and cause an acne outbreak. Other factors that contribute to the causes of back acne are pressure and friction. Back packs, purses, athletic equipment and pads, and other objects that we carry on our backs can provide the exact type of pressure and friction that irritate and inflame minor acne into a more serious outbreak. Teenage boys playing sports such as football or lacrosse are the quintessential example of this scenario. Heavy oil production, daily use of shoulder pads, and a lot of sweat. What a perfect place for the formation of acne.

Foods that cause back acne

How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Get Rid of Back Acne

There is a vast number of products and soaps designed specifically for dealing with acne. Most of these products are designed to be used on the face, but the concept is the same. They typically contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients that can have a drastic effect on your overall skincare in general. You will be able to use these products on your back just like a regular soap or shower gel. Under normal circumstances, the skin on your back is a lot less sensitive as the skin on your face. It can take a bit more scrubbing and roughing up. However, when you have an acne outbreak, the area is much more sensitive. Remember, acne can be irritated and inflamed by pressure and friction. So a rough heavy scrubbing could make the situation worse. Instead, gently scrubbing the infected area with a soft cloth and gentle cleanser is a lot more effective.

Conversely, if you do not have a current outbreak and the idea is to clean out the pores and reduce the chance of acne forming, a rough scrub might be just what is needed. There are many products available on the market these days that offer gentle abrasive scrubs in the form of shower gel type liquids, that contain natural ingredients such as salts and vitamins. These can give a rougher clean and make sure that the pores in your skin are fully cleansed and unclogged.

With the scrubs often coming in smaller bottles and designed as a facial scrub, you may find that combining the scrubs with your general purpose shower gel can have the same effect on other parts of the body. These gentle abrasive types of scrub are highly recommended by doctors and dermatologists as a great way to cleanse the skin on any part of the body and will stave off future outbreaks of acne, especially back acne.

Partner Up to Reduce Causes of Back Acne

As a difficult area to view and take care of, you may find that you will need a partner to help check the results of your acne cleaning regime. It will also be important to make sure that these parts of your back are not suffering from large infections or more serious forms of acne. This could mean a simple trip to the doctor or a local dermatologist who can say in a single sentence, after taking a brief glance, what type and how bad your acne can be. If that is not an option, get a friend or loved one to take look. Take some pictures and compare them to those online to determine the extent and severity of the acne. Sequential pictures also help in keeping track of treatment progress.

Many people decide to treat their acne at home and save some embarrassment they might feel in showing their acne and other skin conditions to other people. However, it must be understood that acne is one of the most, if not the most, common form of skin disorder that occurs across the nation, in teenagers and adults alike. Many healthcare representatives will be able to point you in the direction of the best products on the market to help with your acne. So make sure you consult a doctor or dermatologist. It is the best way to fight the battle of acne, in any of its forms, and to have your skin clear, cleansed and healthy for years to come.